Educational Projects

Twitter Training COURSE
02 | 08 | 2023
Twitter Training COURSE!The "Civic Hub" NGO organizes a course on "Twitter", an important information platform for Artsakh in this period.As a result of the course, we will acquire enough skills to master this social platform in order to inform the relevant persons and organizations about the gross violations of human rights in Artsakh.
????The course will be conducted by Gegham Vardanyan, an expert in the field.????Format: ONLINE???? Day: August 4⏱️ Time: 18:00

"Your Right" legal school: Igor Mirzakhanyan
30 | 07 | 2023
On July 18, another meeting was held with international law specialist Igor Mirzakhanyan under the title "International law as a tool for the protection of human rights".During the meeting, the speaker presented: - Global and regional mechanisms of international human rights law- UN international law treaties- Mechanisms of UN international law available against Azerbaijan- Ways and outcomes of appeals to the European Court of Human Rights and other matters.At the end of the meeting, the speaker answered the questions of the participants, most of which arose from the current situation.