
Results of the Competition for Research works
28 | 02 | 2023
On February 28, 2023, the results of the competition were summarized, where the students presented their research works.It should be reminded that the ''Civic Hub'' NGO announced a competition for research works for the students of the Artsakh State University.The goal of the program was to develop students' research and analytical thinking skills by working with various sources.The winning students of the competition will receive a scholarship in the amount of 100,000 drams.Monetary compensation for the supervisor/lecturer/ in the amount of AMD 50,000 is also planned.

Meeting with TV journalist Hamlet Martirosyan
27 | 01 | 2023
We suggest you turn the pages of history together with the film of the same name "Turning the pages of history" by writer, public speaker, TV journalist Vardges Baghryan.
The TV journalist documented the underground life and the frontline fight in Artsakh in the 1990s.
The invited guest of the day is novelist, TV journalist Hamlet Martirosyan.

Opening of a new youth center in Gishi community
02 | 12 | 2022
Continuing the educational programs in Artsakh, a new youth center will operate in the Gishi community with the cooperation of TIAC and Civic Hub NGO.
In the center, teenagers and young people will be able to use the library, where, in addition to books, there will also be various intellectual and entertainment games. The center is also a comfortable environment where young people will be able to participate in various courses.
The authors of this initiative are the students who presented this idea as a program within the educational camp that took place in the summer.
The community management provides an area next to the school, which the young people will repair, furnish and create an educational and entertainment center for all the young people of the village with their own efforts.

Meeting with Khachatur Hayrapetyan, Stepanakert head of "Tumo Creative Technology Center".
30 | 11 | 2022
The second guest of our "new format" is Khachatur Hayrapetyan, head of "Tumo Creative Technology Center" in Stepanakert.
Our guest chose the movie "Бойцовский клуб" for the film viewing and discussion.
Directed by David Fincher, the 1999 film is based on Chuck Palahniuk's novel of the same name, published 3 years earlier. It stars Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter.
Suffering from agonizing insomnia and trying to get out of a boring life, Clerk meets one Tyler Darden, who is engaged in the soap business and has a perverted personality. Tyler believes that self-control is reserved for cowards, that the only thing worth living for is self-destruction.
Some time will pass and the main characters will already start beating each other. Involving other men in the mundane joys of brutality, they form Fight Club, which achieves tremendous success. But at the end of the film, shocking changes await everyone, which will give birth to unpredictable events.

Presentation of the report on "Access to social rights of persons affected by military aggression against the Republic of Artsakh"
24 | 11 | 2022
On November 24, 2022, the Civic Hub NGO and Mission Armenia Artsakh branch presented their joint work, the report on the access to social rights of the victims of military aggression against the Republic of Artsakh. Representatives from the government of the Republic of Artsakh, local self-government bodies, and civil society were present at the discussion. A number of problems raised during the research were presented, possible mechanisms of their solution were discussed.
The purpose of the report was to examine the access to social rights of the victims of military aggression against the the Republic of Artsakh, based on the results obtained from the study of the same name.The results of the research made it possible to get a summary picture by describing the international and local legal framework related to the topic, the mechanisms of protection and social support offered through them, comparing it with the types and opinions of the people affected by the military aggression agai

Meeting with "reArmenia" founder Gevorg Poghosyan
10 | 10 | 2022
The first guest of the new format was Gevorg Poghosyan, the founder of "ReArmenia" foundation.
An interesting and meaningful discussion took place about his ideas and perceptions, the core of which was the desire to reach out to each other and reach a new level by helping each other.Gevorg chose the film "Стажёр" for the movie viewing.

Political situation and possible developments in Artsakh
23 | 09 | 2022
On September 23, 2022, a meeting was held with political scientist-analyst Zhirayr Azizyan.
Dicussion Topic: Political situation and possible developments in Artsakh.
The political situation in Artsakh, the vision of the future of Artsakh was discussed with the participation of young people. It was especially important to understand the possible developments, the steps taken by Artsakh in this situation and in the conditions of aggressive steps and rhetoric by Azerbaijan. The role of civil society and possible actions, the importance of more active functioning of public organizations were also discussed.

Student Camp
08 | 08 | 2022
We are glad to have our contribution and support in conducting educational and cognitive events in Artsakh.
From August 1 to 10, Artsakh State University with cooperation of Civic Hub NGO and Transparency International Armenia organized a student camp in the Patara village of Artsakh. More than 100 students from different universities of Artsakh and Armenia participate in the 10-day camp.
This camp, equipped with educational, cultural and sports events, is an opportunity for the students of Artsakh and Armenia to gain new knowledge, make new contacts, and get acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage of Artsakh.
Enthusiastic participation of young people in similar events in Artsakh is more than important these days. The camp is held as a result of the cooperation of ArSU - Civic Hub - Transparency International Armenia.

Student Leadership Camp
18 | 07 | 2022
From July 18 to 29, a schoolchildren leadership camp was held in Artsakh on the initiative of Teach Armenia. Civic Hub, Transparency International Armenia and the Armenian Red Cross also contributed to the implementation of the camp.The main agenda of the camps was educational: there were lectures on the topics of social science, environmental protection, human rights, media literacy, and critical thinking.Lectures were conducted by experts invited both from Armenia and from Stepanakert, local communities.
There were also discussions, intellectual and sports games, cultural events.Project management was also an important component of the camps. On the one hand, the pupils learned how to write and organize the projects, in parallel, they also divided into groups and wrote their own small projects that they can implement in their own communities.On the last day of the camp, the participants presented 9 projects, of which 3 were recognized as winners. The authors of those three winning p