
Manifestations of corruption in Artsakh։ causes and possible ways of prevention
27 | 04 | 2023
Corruption is a serious threat to the country's security. It causes great harm to society, undermines the foundations of state power, reduces the effectiveness of state and municipal bodies and their authority, and hinders the economic development of the country as a whole.
As the author summarizes in the work:"It should be noted that according to statistics, this is not widespread in the Republic of Artsakh, especially compared to the situation in other countries, and similar cases are properly investigated through criminal proceedings. In some cases, also taking into account the situation created in Artsakh and the already complicated situation, many bodies know that it exists, but remain silent (other reasons for silence are also listed in the work).Of course, the latent, secret nature of the crime is important here, because the statistical appearance due to it may differ from the real one. For this reason, specialized NGOs, which many countries of the world have the experience o

Human Rights Violations by Azerbaijan in the Time of Blockade
20 | 02 | 2023
The present report is a reference to the humanitarian consequences of the blockade of the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to the outside world. The report also analyses the situation from the legal perspective, as the blockade caused violation of a long list of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) issue from its origins to the present day. Prospects of realizing the right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh and the need for independent statehood
27 | 01 | 2023
This research is about the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) issue, in particular, about the historical, political and legal processes of the Artsakh conflict, which have taken place since the beginning of the conflict until now, through their full, comprehensive and objective analysis, as well as the realization of the right to self-determination of the Artsakh people, its legal grounds and guarantees.
During the research, the situation created as a result of the latest escalation of the conflict - the 44-day war - was also studied, as well as the prospects for solving legal problems under the current difficult situation.

Achievements and omissions of the Republic of Artsakh in the context of the conflict
21 | 01 | 2023
The study of the processes of recognition of the states formed by the application of the right of self-determination of nations proves that the normal development of the state should proceed through the following three stages: declaration of independence, internationalization of the staterecognition (membership in the United Nations) and establishment of a state, the longest and most complicated of which is the second - recognition, because a young state with limited international contacts must be able to receive support from other states.Until now, the international community in its approach to our conflict gives priority to the principle of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, while acting with double standards, the West has recognized the independence of Kosovo, and Russia has recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian policy excludes the possibility of bringing Artsakh Armenians under Azerbaijan's jurisdiction, and once again confirms the n

The Vision of a Safe Artsakh
21 | 01 | 2023
Artsakh is facing serious security problems. The vision of a safe Artsakh should also be connected with the creation of a competitive education system. The educational system covers from family upbringing to postgraduate education and is presented as a separate large sector, where the most important components of national wealth are created: the fund of knowledge, skills, qualitative characteristics of the workforce.

Presentation of the report on "Access to social rights of persons affected by military aggression against the Republic of Artsakh"
24 | 11 | 2022
On November 24, 2022, the Civic Hub NGO and Mission Armenia Artsakh branch presented their joint work, the report on the access to social rights of the victims of military aggression against the Republic of Artsakh. Representatives from the government of the Republic of Artsakh, local self-government bodies, and civil society were present at the discussion. A number of problems raised during the research were presented, possible mechanisms of their solution were discussed.
The purpose of the report was to examine the access to social rights of the victims of military aggression against the the Republic of Artsakh, based on the results obtained from the study of the same name.The results of the research made it possible to get a summary picture by describing the international and local legal framework related to the topic, the mechanisms of protection and social support offered through them, comparing it with the types and opinions of the people affected by the military aggression agai

Student Research Competition Results
06 | 09 | 2022
The Civic Hub non-governmental organization, in cooperation with the Artsakh State University and Transparency International Armenia, announced a competition for research works.The competition was intended for students of the Artsakh State University. Broad student participation was encouraged, regardless of major or degree. The main goal of the program was to develop students' research and analytical thinking skills while working with a variety of sources.Research papers related to, but not limited to, any of the following topics:
Legal solution of the Artsakh Conflict,
Safe Artsakh vision,
Achievements and omissions of the Republic of Artsakh in the context of the conflict,
Human rights issues and solutions in Artsakh,
Problems and solutions of corruption in Artsakh.
Five students were selected from the students who applied to the competition, and they must complete their studies by January 31, 2023. After that, it is planned to present the researches at the Artsakh State U