Observation of 2021 Local Self-Government Elections

10 | 10 | 2021

Methodology of observation

Long-term observation started on September 26, 2021, involving 4 long-term observers to observe and evaluate the pre-election and voting day processes in Khachmach and Tsaghkashat communities of Askeran region, Nor Ghazanchi of Martakert region and Herher community of Martuni region.

During the pre-election period, the election administration, including the activities of the Regional Electoral Commissions, the compliance of actions with the schedule, the activities of the candidates for the head of the community and the member of the Council of Elders, the pre-election campaign, the use of administrative resources, the investigation of complaints, etc., were the subject of observation.

Data collection was done through desk research, online open data analysis, direct observations, meetings, interviews, as well as following press coverage. On the ground, observers met with regional and precinct election commissions, presidential candidates, local self-government bodies, media, as well as other participants of the election process. In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information, the obtained data has been verified as much as possible through several independent sources.

Summary of the Results

The processes of voting and closing of polling stations passed peacefully. No separate cases were registered during the summarization of voting.

General observation

The "Akanates" observation mission records that the organization and process of the observation mission were smooth, without obstacles. Observers were treated kindly both by the election commissions and by other actors.

Electoral processes generally complied with the norms of the Electoral Code of the Republic of Artsakh and international standards. Several observed minor violations were mainly caused by the members of precinct commissions not having full knowledge of the electoral legislation.
