
Project Proposal and Crowdfunding
06 | 06 | 2024
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Cyber-security training
06 | 05 | 2024
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13 | 02 | 2024
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10 | 02 | 2024
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16 | 12 | 2023
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15 | 12 | 2023
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The voice of blockaded Artsakh
04 | 09 | 2023
On September 1, the school year started in Artsakh schools. Thousands of children went to school without writing materials. Victoria did not find a notebook with an image of her favorite LOL doll, colorful pens, paper, glue and an eraser, too. He came to school with flowers plucked from the yard and thinks for a long time which of the teachers to give.After the start of classes in Artsakh, monitoring will be carried out, and as a result of a comprehensive analysis, appropriate situational decisions will be made, up to the termination of the educational process.
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The voice of blockaded Artsakh
22 | 08 | 2023
The 6th episode of the series "The voice of blockaded Artsakh" tells about the people under the blockade with serious health problems. Zemfira has been suffering from diabetes for 15 years. Under the conditions of the siege, her life and problems have become unbearable. It is not possible to follow a special diet, one eats what one manages to find in the existing tight conditions. The pressure increases every day, from which consciousness is often lost. She once again fainted a few days ago in the bread line, she opened her eyes thanks to the efforts of the "Emergency Aid" team.
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The voice of blockaded Artsakh
16 | 08 | 2023
The 5th episode of the series "The voice of blockaded Artsakh" is about attempts to solve the problem of food security with one's own means. Already in the conditions of the blockade, thousands of Artsakh citizens began to cultivate vegetable crops with even greater efforts to ensure the portion of the food basket available to them and their relatives. Many people's land is miles away from home, which became the biggest problem for plant cultivation. Very limited fuel supplies made it impossible to take care of plants and harvest crops.
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14 | 08 | 2023
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