Observation mission in Artsakh (2019 local government elections)

08 | 09 | 2019

The ''Civic Hub" NGO, in cooperation with ''Akanates'' Observation Mission, carried out Observation of local government elections of 2019 in Artsakh.

103 observers were involved, 53 from Artsakh as local observers and 50 from Armenia as observers of the observation mission of a foreign non-governmental organization.

80 of the observers monitored the entire process of the voting day in 40 polling stations. The observation was carried out in Stepanakert and in 4 urban and 15 rural communities of Askeran, Hadrut, Martuni, Martakert and Shushi regions.

23 of the observers were involved as roving observers in 10 groups that visited an additional 81 polling stations.

The monitoring mission was supported by the coordinating group located in Stepanakert, which included 8 coordinators, 8 operators and 8 lawyers.

Preliminary summary of the observation of the voting day of local government elections held on September 8, 2019 in the Republic of Artsakh with video: https://fb.watch/jxlTx9ogrH/

Summary of the observation process of Artsakh local government elections

On September 8, 2019, elections of local self-government bodies were held in the Republic of Artsakh, which generally took place in a peaceful atmosphere and citizens had the opportunity to exercise their electoral right. The most widespread violations were unintentional and uncoordinated, while serious violations and incidents were episodic.


The Video: https://www.facebook.com/akanatesditord/videos/1375597352592959/