Student Camp

08 | 08 | 2022

We are glad to have our contribution and support in conducting educational and cognitive events in Artsakh.

From August 1 to 10, Artsakh State University with cooperation of Civic Hub NGO and Transparency International Armenia organized a student camp in the Patara village of Artsakh. More than 100 students from different universities of Artsakh and Armenia participate in the 10-day camp.

This camp, equipped with educational, cultural and sports events, is an opportunity for the students of Artsakh and Armenia to gain new knowledge, make new contacts, and get acquainted with the historical and cultural heritage of Artsakh.

Enthusiastic participation of young people in similar events in Artsakh is more than important these days.
The camp is held as a result of the cooperation of ArSU - Civic Hub - Transparency International Armenia.