Manifestations of corruption in Artsakh։ causes and possible ways of prevention

27 | 04 | 2023

Corruption is a serious threat to the country's security. It causes great harm to society, undermines the foundations of state power, reduces the effectiveness of state and municipal bodies and their authority, and hinders the economic development of the country as a whole.

As the author summarizes in the work:
"It should be noted that according to statistics, this is not widespread in the Republic of Artsakh, especially compared to the situation in other countries, and similar cases are properly investigated through criminal proceedings. In some cases, also taking into account the situation created in Artsakh and the already complicated situation, many bodies know that it exists, but remain silent (other reasons for silence are also listed in the work).
Of course, the latent, secret nature of the crime is important here, because the statistical appearance due to it may differ from the real one. For this reason, specialized NGOs, which many countries of the world have the experience of, are also engaged in corruption detection. In this regard, it is also important to remember that, in fact, the anti-corruption coalition of CSOs also does not have a ban on the membership of Artsakh NGOs. Also, its low level in our country never means that the seriousness of the society can be lost and the tolerance towards the phenomenon can increase. We can say that regardless of whether a citizen will report a crime or not, although it is also very important, he will at least be able to protect himself with his knowledge, not allowing someone to deprive him of something by bribing someone else or using another method of opportunity. As for anti-corruption education, it is one of the most awaited and interesting events in Artsakh for young people and especially law students."
